a blog for our network of house churches

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

07.26.06 thequest UPdate

thequest family,

We had an Assembly on Sunday that was very fun (pics on our blog belowHERE) . One of the things we talked about there was our logo. We haven't said much about it. There are just these ever-present orange and blue paper chain links [see the top of this email ;-)].

The logo seems to have 4 points of emphasis for me:

1) CONNECTING-it shows the relational connection stuff that we are all about

2) SIMPLICITY-it speaks to the simplicity of who we are and what we do. From the youngest ages kids make paper chains. It isn't rocket science--it's simple

3) FRAGILENESS-a paper chain isn't the "strongest" of chains. Because of that fragileness, we must have Jesus leading our spiritual community.

4) EVERYBODY PLAYS- beyond the simplicity, it points to the fact that everyone-men, women and children can be about finding where God is working and joining Him there. I talked about this one a few weeks ago, so you can check out this link

Last week I came across something I wrote 3 years about about our logo. I thought I would post it here for you (from thequest 05.28.2003 UPdate )

Number 3 jumped out at me last night as we were reading 1 Cor. 12 and a couple of verses really hooked me.

in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. . .

those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,. . .

The unbelievably deep truth of those lines smacked me. God has arranged each person in thequest family JUST AS HE WANTS THEM TO BE. We all are very important to the whole. God stuck us where we are! We didn't just happen upon this, or have good luck, or anything else. God has put us together.

Some of us feel really fragile. We wonder if God listens to us, or even cares. We feel really weak in the battles we are called to fight, as individuals and as a community. We puzzle and stew over what God is doing and how to figure it out. We feel like if a good strong breeze came in it would blow us out to sea.

To those of us who feel like that God says we are indispensable. We as parts of the body seem to be so weak. We don't know which end is up sometimes, but God sees us as INDISPENSABLE to the work He is doing.

What a treat to serve a God that leans on us�a weak, humble, fragile, bunch of construction paper links to do His work. I hope this encourages your soul like it did mine. And let's press on!

Press on,


the rest of the 07.26.06 email here

Sunday, July 23, 2006

get to know thequest assembly - July 23rd

We had an assembly to follow up the Summer Bible Club week. It was awesome to be together with folks who have been around us a while and some who were just checking us out.

We began with some worship, then foundations from the Scripture--it's all about Jesus! Then we chatted about thequest. After that we enjoyed pizza together and got to build our relationships. It was a great time!

p.s.Thanks to Jenna for taking these pics!

richard leading some singing worship

mike kinney sharing about "connecting"

close up of kinney

Kate sharing about her journey with thequest

kids teaching a song

doing the motions

Posted the Powerpoint from the Assembly

I posted the powerpoint of the Discussion around our values, mission, logo and vision onto our website from the "Get to know thequest Assembly." You can check it out here (it's 9MB so it's a big file...hang on while it loads)

thequest KIDZ Summer Bible Club-DAY FOUR

Welcome to our final night of Summer Bible Club. We had a great time all week. These are fun times for the final night.

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candy for memorizing verses...bribery, yes...but it works!

getting ready for the story


love is patient...love is kind...

trying to catch skyhigh water balloons

launching water balloons skyward


pick up trash in trade for a snack

Friday, July 21, 2006

happy times

the "wise" council


snacks and socializing



Thursday, July 20, 2006

thequest KIDZ Summer Bible Club-DAY THREE

Another great night of learning about Jesus' love...for the Samaritan woman and for US! Enjoy the pics of the night. And the water slide was a HIT!

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it's time for a story and to sing
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mmm...mmm... I love snacks!
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some soap, a big piece of plastic, hot weather, kids and a hose made for a super FUN WATER SLIDE!
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beautiful sky at night
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sno cones!!!
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